Why People Love Entertainment

Live Wired: Why We Love Live Music so Much

With so much fabulous music available to us in a way that lets us enjoy it without ever leaving the comfort of our homes, why do we still want to go listen to live music? In this article posted on Blog.ourstage.com, they examine the need and desire to hear music played live versus Memorex. To find out this answer, the author went to lots of musical venues and asked all kinds of people why they preferred to get dressed up, and get in their car and drive and then get into a crowded situation to hear the music they love, when they had that same music available at home. Some of the answers might surprise you, while others make perfectly transcendent sense to those of us who love live music. Get all of the insight by reading the full article here.

We Gather to Eat: What Does Entertaining Mean to You?

If preparing your daily family meals is a soulful experience for you, then you’re not alone. In this article by Sara Kate Gillingham for Thekitchn.com, she talks to us about the meaning of the word entertaining and how it can relate to everyday life. She doesn’t see meal time as something that must be done, she sees it as a way to nurture and show love. In addition to just eating, meal time is when families and friends gather together to talk and share ideas and actually spend time together. Sara wants us to take another look at dining together and start looking at every meal with other people as an opportunity for an entertaining time. Get all of her very sage advice at Thekitchn.com.

Live EntertainmentWhy is Entertainment so Entertaining?

Taking a look at entertainment from a neurobiological point of view, in this article by Peter G. Stromberg PhD for psychologytoday.com, we find out that entertainment is not only pleasant, but necessary for human development. When looked at in historical terms, we know that even in the days of cave people, they drew on walls and had created some sort of art and probably music. At the very least, in looking at less developed tribes of today, we know that storytelling is a large part of their culture and a large part of the way they learn. In addition, imitation of what we see is another way we learn and grow. So when you really look at it, entertainment isn’t just fun, it’s really how we expand ourselves as a species. Get all the amazing insight on entertainment by reading the full article here.

Here’s Why People Love Deep Bass Sounds in Music

If you’re one of those people who loves a song with a great bass beat line, then you’ll want to read this article by Sara Gates for huffingtonpost.com. It probably won’t surprise you to learn, that in recent studies, it appears that the reason deep bass beats are so popular is that people hear and relate to them easier than higher pitched beats. Through a complex study, performed at McMaster Institute for Music and the Mind, they are discovering some pretty amazing things in relation to how people interpret music. Check out the amazing data by reading the full article here.